How we can help you

Repair Cover Services

How to Subscribe to a Cover Plan
  • Log into your account, navigate to the "Services" section, select the Repair Cover plan that suits your needs, and follow the steps to subscribe.

Overview of Repair Cover
  • Our Repair Cover services provide peace of mind by covering the costs of repairs for electrical, plumbing, and cooling systems in your home, depending on your subscribed plan.

Making a Claim
  • If you encounter an issue covered by your plan, go to the "Claims" section in your dashboard, click "Make a Claim," and enter the details of your issue. We'll guide you through the rest of the process.

What’s Covered
  • Each Repair Cover plan has a detailed list of covered services and exclusions. Generally, this includes repairs to key components of your electrical, plumbing, or cooling systems.

Limits and Exclusions
  • Each plan has a limit on the number of claims and the total claim value per year. Major replacements, pre-existing conditions, and damages from neglect are typically not covered.